Amla, Amrul and Akanda, mango, kalmi shak, what are the qualities of the tree-


Amla we all eat. No one has eaten Amla yet. Available on streets, buses, shops, trains, and many other places. I eat different kinds of amla, some people buy Jhal amla and others buy sour, Jhar amla and eat it. Amla is the solution to our white hair, gray hair, and various diseases. Find out what to do with Amla.

Shwet Pradar: Amla powder mixed with candy powder and taken 10 times a day will cure the disease.

Hair Growth and Hair Growth: Mix raw Amla beet with coconut oil and apply it on the scalp for a month to stop hair growth and hair growth.


All these trees are seen more toward the village. Those who live in the village must have seen it. But do you know what benefits amrul gives us for diseases? Amrul treats leprosy, diarrhea, and rheumatism. Also, we get a good result if we use amrul in case of cold sitting in the chest or case of mouth discomfort.

Leprosy, Diarrhea, and rheumatism: If amrul greens are cooked and eaten daily, then it is beneficial in this disease.

Cold in the chest: If the cold settles in the chest, boiling amrul branch juice in mustard oil and massaging the chest will cure the disease.

Distaste in the mouth: Eating amrul branch sour cures distaste.


Finally, if we talk about akanda tree- do you know all the benefits of akanda tree? Akanda gum is useful for toothache. Besides, in case of swelling sprain, or gout, Akanda is especially useful in various diseases. How akanda tree is used in all these diseases has been explained in detail.

Toothworms: When applied to the root of the tooth, the toothwo0rms dies.

Swelling: Tie akanda leaves to the swelling or sprained pain area to reduce pain and swelling.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Applying the leaves of white akanda on the face reduces the pain of rheumatism.


Mango is our favorite fruit. When it’s hot, it doesn’t work if it’s not mango. Many people buy mangoes from the market, and some people like to eat mangoes from the house. Many people like to eat sour mangoes, some people like to eat sweet mangoes. When the mango season is over, I buy various mango products from the market to taste my mangoes.

But the mangoes we eat have many benefits. If there is dysentery or blood dysentery, various parts of the mango tree help to cure the disease. Moreover, it gives good benefits in case of premature hair growth and hair growth. Helps in the enlargement of the spleen. How different parts of the mango tree are used in all these diseases, know the details below.

Dysentery: Drinking the juice of young ampata and young Jampata together cures dysentery.

Dysentery of blood: Mixing milk with mango bark juice cures dysentery of blood.

Premature hair growth and hair growth: soak mango and young mango peels in water and rub that water on the roots of dry hair to sleep hair growth and hair growth.

Spleen Enlargement: Mixing ripe mango juice with honey will help in spleen Enlargement.


Speaking of amra trees- all these trees are visible towards the village. Many people eat amra chutney or crushed. Amra fruit or different parts of the tree are useful for us. Ripe amra pods are very beneficial in indigestion.

The bark of the amra tree helps in the unpleasant taste of the mouth. In case of dysentery or blood dysentery, the gum of the plants helps to cure the disease. How we use the amra tree and its various parts in all these diseases, is known below in detail.

Indigestion: Mix 1 spoon of sugar in 1 cup of water and eat it for 4-5 days to cure indigestion.

Mouth discomfort: Amra bark juice mixed with half a cup of water and mixed with 1 spoon of salt and 1 spoon of sugar and taken as syrup will bring back the taste of mouth discomfort.

Diarrhea and blood in dysentery: Soak 5 grams of amra tree gum in water and mix it with 1 spoon of amra tree juice and 1 spoon of sugar to cure the disease.

Dark clouds:

We all eat back cloud leaves. Black cloud leaves are very beneficial. All these trees are more common in the village. The black cloud is very beneficial for liver disorders. Also useful in malaria fever and worm disease. If we treat in the ayurvedic way then how to use the black cloud in all these diseases is given below in detail.

Liver disease: Half a cup of black cloud leaf juice in children, 2 teaspoons every morning on an empty stomach for 1 month, liver disease is cured.

Malaria: Boil 15 grams of black cloud leaves in 3 cups of water reduce to 1 cup and take half a cup every morning and evening to cure malaria. Eat like this for 7 days and finally in points creamy Disease.

Creamy disease: Mix 2-3 pieces of raw turmeric with 4-5 black cloud leaves extract its juices and take 1 spoonful in the morning to get rid of creamy disease.

Kalmi shak:

When hot weather comes, the fun of Kalmishak with panta bhat is different, and already in the society, when there is an event, they give Kalmishak. Kalmishak is cultivated in large quantities in the village. Many earn by selling Kalmishak. But do you know what benefits are available in Kalmishak? The benefits of Kalmishak are detailed below.

Measles of spring fever: If you take the decoction of Kalmishak for 2-3 days, measles or spring fever will come out quickly. To increase breast milk: Eating Kalmishak on rice leaves every day will increase breast milk. Meh and prime disease: Mixing 5-6 spoons of Kalmishak juice with 1 cup of raw cow’s milk cures meh and prime disease in 1 month.

I am sending you small information through the post. How many benefits do Amlaki, amrul, akanda, mango & kalmishak provide everyone’s body? I hope help this post thank you very much.

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