What to do if arthritis or old arthritis?


Every lump in the body has pain in the lump, the area is red, Many times fever comes with chills, constipation, delirium, headache, chest pain, and difficulty breathing if the disease lasts for a long time.

Disease treatment-

Eating 1 cup of garlic paste with hot rice for two days cures the disease. Eat garlic like this for a month, it will cure rheumatism. 5 grams of Haritari powder taken with water also relieves the pain of rheumatism. Boil 10/12 shiuli leaves in 1 cup of water and drink that water 2 times daily in the morning and evening for 15 days to cure the disease. Mixing sesame seeds with ashwagandha powder cures rheumatism. The white Wakanda leaves are beaten and tied to the joints of the feet ao hands where there is pain in arthritis, it will cure the disease.

Directions: Do not eat protein or fat-rich food

Old Rheumatism:

In the first stage of rheumatism, there is pain only in the joints- but in old rheumatism, the pain is less, but the joint becomes swollen and stiff, and it is difficult to walk.

Disease treatment-

Grind 25 grams of gulanch leaves boil in 100 grams of water and strain to reduce to 25 grams. Then mix it in hot milk and eat it in the morning and afternoon. Taking this medicine for 1 week will cure old arthritis. Besides, 5 grams of ginger, crushed a little, black cumin, garlic, and fried with ghee for a month and eaten with hot rice gives good results in old arthritis.

Directions- Do not eat boiled fish, Hilsa fish, and duck eggs.

What to do if dysentery?

Always in the stomach, the stool is oily, and a substance like white phlegm comes out of it. That’s mango. Sometimes it comes out with stool, sometimes only mango. If I am doing Ayurvedic treatment in my home system then the following treatment is given.

Disease Treatment-

Mix 2 spoons of crushed stone leaf juice, 2 spoons of Thankuni leaf juice, 1 spoon of ginger juice, and 2 spoons of durbar juice and take 1 spoon every morning on an empty stomach for 7 days to cure the disease.


Eat hot rice with Thankuni leaves batter. In addition, eat boiled green beans and boiled papaya. Do not eat sour, salty, and sweet.

Blood Dysentery-

The disease begins with nausea, excruciating pain at the base of the navel, urge to defecate, but after many stools, the bowels. It contains less and more stool. Difficulty in both stool and urination, stools are often passed out despite numbness.

Treatment of disease-

Mix 2 spoons of marigold flower juice, 2 spoons of Thankuni leaf juice, 2 spoons of Patharkuchi leaves juice, and 2 spoons of durbar juice, and take 2 spoons on an empty stomach in the morning for 7 days, it will benefit the disease.


In the morning on an empty stomach raw bel is consumed with jaggery and good benefits are obtained. You can eat gandal leaf broth, Garambhata Thankuni leaf batter with goat’s milk, ghol, singi-magur, lata fish broth, Jhal masala, and without oil.

What to do in case of smallpox?

Earlier spring disease was of two types, spring and water spring of water spring. But what happens now is a water spring. It doesn’t do much harm. First, there is pain in all parts, burning eyes, then fever comes with chills, after 2/3 days, a boil link a poison boil, bigger than a scratch, comes out. At first, they look like blisters and then they grow pus. Then it hurts a lot.

The internal pus is also very painful when it dries up. If we want to treat in an Ayurvedic way then check the following treatment.

Treatment of diseases:

Before the pimple comes out, when there is pain in the body with fever, then if you take 2 spoons of fenugreek water 3 times a day, all the pimples will come out. And if pus accumulates in the gut, boil 5 grams of fenugreek, 5 grams of molasses, 5 grams of babui, and 10 grams of yoan in 500 grams of water, bring it down to 200 grams, cool it and strain it, take 2 spoons 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and night, and the disease will be cured.


Cold drinks such as sugarcane juice, canned water, sugar-soaked water, glucose, etc. Should be given. Fish, meat, and eggs should not be eaten together. No food mixed with oil and ghee will be allowed.

What to do if Allergic?

Swelling and itching in places of the body. Allergies occur when some people eat too much of the product.


50 grams of raw turmeric powder, 254 grams of dry neem leaves powder, and 75 grams of dry amla powder should be mixed and kept in a vial. 4 grams should be taken every morning for 15 days.


It is forbidden to eat eggs, brinjal, shrimp fish, boal fish, Hilsa fish, garlic, and onion.

What to do if acid disease?

Rotten or rotten stools, watery mouth, constipation, sometimes belching stomach, and sour vomiting.


The acid disease is cured by taking 50 grams of each of Harataki, Amlaki, Behera, beet salt, Yoan, and shunts, drying them in the sun, and taking 1 spoonful after every meal. The disease will be cured in 7 days.


Do not eat any food made of oil, salt, and ghee. And eat papaya rice every day.

Arthritis is a common disease

  1. Affects 50 million U.S. adults (1 in 5)
  2. Affects 3,00,000 babies and children (1 in 250)
  3. Can stick to all ages, races, and genders.
  4. No. 1 cause of disability in the U.S.
  5. Can be treated but not cured.

If family members have arthritis, you may be more likely to develop it. As you get older, you may become more prone to developing arthritis. Women are more likely to develop arthritis. Certain joint injuries lead to arthritis. Overweight people report arthritis more often than those of lower weight.

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