Words of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa

One of the most prominent religious figures of India during the nineteenth century, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa was a mystic and a yogi who translated complex spiritual concepts into lucid and easily intelligible manner. Born in a simple Bengali rural family in 1836, Ramakrishna was a simple yogi. He pursued the divine throughout his life in various forms and believed in the divine embodiment of the Supreme Being in every individual. Sometimes believed to be the modern-day reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, Ramakrishna was the embodiment of spiritual salvation to troubled souls from all walks of life.

He was a key figure in the revival of Hinduism in Bengal at a time when an intense spiritual crisis was gripping the province leading to the predominance of young Bengalis embracing Brahmoism and Christianity. His legacy did not end with his death in 1886; his most prominent disciple Swami Vivekananda carried on his teachings and philosophy to the world through the Ramakrishna Mission. In essence, his teachings were as traditional as ancient sages and seers, yet he remained contemporary throughout the ages.

  • Godliness is the purpose of human life.
  • As Uncle Moon is uncle to all children, so god is yours to all; Everyone has the right to call him. Whoever calls, he will appear and thank him.
  • There is nothing wrong with not having a family. But keep your mind on God, know that house and family are not mine, they are God’s. My house is with God and let me say that you will always pray to his lotus feet with devotion.
  • Do everything but keep your mind on God. Wife, son, father, mother- will take and serve everyone. How many people are you? But remember that they are none of yours.
  • Work with one hand, hold God one hand. When the work is done, hold god with both hands.
  • A servant in a big man’s house thinks that everything is the master’s work, he has nothing of his own. In the same way, he will think that everything is his work, he has nothing to say about himself.
  • If you start a family without worshiping God, you will get more involved. Danger, grief, heat- these will become impatient & the more things you think about, the more wealth will increase.
  • One has to gain a conscience and make a family. There are crocodiles in the world. If you put turmeric on your face and go into the water, crocodiles are not afraid. Vibek-Vairaya is yellow.
  • If you love him, you will be free of conscience.
  • He is easily found on the path of devotion.
  • Is God subject to opulence? He is subject to devotion. What does he want? Not money- desire, love, devotion, conscience, dispassion.

  • He appears when the three pulls come the pull on the subject, the mother’s pull on the child and the sati’s pull on the husband.
  • Sometimes God is a magnet, a devotee. Sometimes the devotee becomes a magnet, that the lord touches. Such is the charm of the devotee that the lord falls in love with her.
  • Love is like a string. If there is love, God is tied to the devotee and cannot escape.
  • Closed beings do not think of God. If there is free time, then either Abol-Tabol talks, not work.
  • It’s only when you believe. There is nothing more than faith.
  • As many people as I see, dharma dharma – This is quarreling with him, and he is quarreling with her. Hindus, Muslims, Brahmins, Shaktas, Vaishnavas, Shaiva’s- all quarreling with each other. There is no understanding that the one you call Krishna is Shiva, he is called Adyashakti, he is Jesus, he is called Allah. One name is his thousand names. It is not good to think that my religion is right and everyone else’s religion is wrong. He can be found by all means. Only if there is a sincere concern. Ananta patha-ananta Mata.
  • Selfless action will purify your mind, and your love for God will come. Love can win him.
  • Is it known to judge him? Call upon him as your servant, as your refuge.
  • Yoga does not occur if the mind is not fixed. Manrope Deep is always agitated by the samsara hawa. If this laps does not move properly then it become a state of yoga.
  • He can be found by all means. All religions are true.
  • If you keep your mind in kusang, then such talk, and thought will become. If you keep with the devotee, Ishvarchinta, Harikatha- all this will happen.
  • His name should be mentioned. One has to leave the mind to him during work.
  • There is no consciousness without giving up subjectivity – There is no godliness- hypocrisy only when there is subjectivity. He cannot be found unless he is simple.
  • If you think of any statue; Meditate on the idol you like. But know that everything is one.
  • Family is the place of work, Knowledge is gained by doing work. Guru says, do all these actions and do not do all these actions. the dirt of the mind is cut off while doing the work.
  • It is not good to judge too much, only if there is devotion to the mother’s feet. If you judge too much, everything gets confused.
  • Satyakatha Kali’s penance. Another austerity in Kali is difficult. If you hold fast to the truth, you will gain god. He who has sincerity, mother never allows these words to be false.
  • Those who do business- office work or business- should also practice the penance of satya katha kali.
  • A lie is no good. Lying is not good. If the mind is not like vek, destruction will happen gradually. The fear of lying or telling a lie is gradually broken.
  • As long as god does not profit. we seem to be free. He left it, otherwise, sin would have increased.
  • He had to pray in confusion. If he is sincere, he will listen to Parthana.
  • Stay in the truth, only then will you gain God.
  • Be it religion, be it opinion, all are calling to that one God; So no religion, no opinion should be disrespected or hated.
  • He who has conscience, Know that God is the object and everything.
  • Learn a thousand lessons, if there is no devotion to God, if there is no desire to gain all is lost.
  • The truth is that god can be seen, this is how you can see him sitting and talking to me now, talking to him- I am telling the truth, I am talking to him.
  • If you want to enjoy, you have to fall into bondage. That is why big desires have to be judged, found fault with, and driven from the mind.
  • Will bow to all opinions but there is one devotion. You will bow down to everyone, but the name of love that pours its soul into one is devotion.
  • Meditate in the mind, in the forest. The more people who don’t think of God, the better.
  • By habit the mind is endowed with extraordinary power, then it is not difficult to control the senses- to subdue lust, anger
  • Chanting of God’s name should always be done and the right people- devotees of God or sadhus, have to go to them sometimes.
  • Those who cultivate aristocratically, even if there is no rain for twelve years do not stop farming. Similarly, those who are true devotees and believers do not stop chanting his name even if they have not his darshan all their lives.
  • People are not educated by human power. Avidya cannot be conquered without the power of God.
  • Establish him first in the heart temple. Speech, lecture then maybe do the wish.
  • Do you know what the actual campaign is like? If you burn people without burning them, there is enough publicity. He who strives to be free preaches the truth.
  • He who does not feel that his family is impermanent, should not take advice from him. He who has seen Kashi has to listen to Kashi.
  • Everyone is to loved. No one else. Hari is present in all beings. There is nothing without him.
  • Do not condemn anyone, not even an insect. Narayana is holding all these forms. Just like Bhakti Pathan, it will also say- ‘May I not condemn anyone.
  • Man is the slave of money. Those who do not know the use of money, are not human beings. The shape is human but the use is animal.
  • He who only says ‘ I am a sinner’ falls. Rather, I have mentioned his name, what is my sin again? What is bonding?
  • If one is good at singing, playing, dancing, whatever, if he tries, he can soon attain God.
  • God sees the mind. He does not see who is working, or who is lying where.
  • Be patient and pray to him for auspiciousness, and favorable winds. He will give you all opportunities if you call him in desperation.
  • He is your mother, Your father. Emphasis on him. Your people can even say, bidi ne re shala? If your mother feels it, It happens immediately. She is not the mother of religion, but your mother. God’s darshan only after confusion.
  • If you make a habit of calling him every day, you will be disturbed.

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