Do you know the benefits of the Shyjabati tree?

Shyjabati Tree: Find out what benefits Garlic is for us. Garlic is essential for the various benefits of the human body. Garlic contains vitamins A, B, C, and D calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and 6 powerful disinfectants. Experiments have shown that applying garlic externally to all types of boils, boils …

How to reduce the yellowness of your teeth?

Yellowing of teeth: Sometimes we have to hide our smile from everyone because of our yellow teeth. We can’t laugh out loud. No more, learn some smart tips to get whiter teeth, so you don’t have to hide your smile anymore. Follow the tips below to smile freely in front …

What to do for anemia, blood sugar, and diabetes, insomnia:

Anemia: Anemia is caused by prolonged malaria, excessive intercourse, excessive menstruation, etc. When suffering from this disease, the eyes and face become pale. The body is reddish. There is distaste, the body always fills with a feeling of exhaustion. Disease treatment: Take 10 grams of Haritki, Amalki, Bahera, Nimchal, Chirata, …

What to do if arthritis or old arthritis?

Rheumatism- Every lump in the body has pain in the lump, the area is red, Many times fever comes with chills, constipation, delirium, headache, chest pain, and difficulty breathing if the disease lasts for a long time. Disease treatment- Eating 1 cup of garlic paste with hot rice for two …

Amla, Amrul and Akanda, mango, kalmi shak, what are the qualities of the tree-

Amla- Amla we all eat. No one has eaten Amla yet. Available on streets, buses, shops, trains, and many other places. I eat different kinds of amla, some people buy Jhal amla and others buy sour, Jhar amla and eat it. Amla is the solution to our white hair, gray …

Learn tips to keep your body healthy:

It also causes complications. You should also drink more water for diarrhea. Make sure that the child sleeps without eating at night. If he sleeps without food for several days in a row, he may have a serious illness. Special attention should be given to children who have recovered from …

What To Do To Be Careful After 40 Years:

If you don’t have any grains, you can benefit by adding only garlic or green chilies. Do not eat only one dal among the dals that is Khesaridal It increases infection. Never give two vegetables to the dal. namely- Potatoes and Beans. Potatoes increase blood sugar. Dysentery increases in sim. …

You do know why should not use glasses?

However, due to various reasons, if the light rays cannot create a clear focus on the retina, the object appears blurry. The light is then accurately focused on the retina with glasses of the appropriate power. As a result, everything can be seen clearly again. For some reason, if the …

Why Do We Need To Know Food?

Dietary Requirements: Classification Of Food: Protein-rich food: Protein-rich food helps in body heat production, depletion, and combustion. Fatty Food: Fatty food increases fat, increases energy, and heat. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates produce energy, heat, and energy and build fat. Water: It is very important to help the body work starting from the …

Check The Quality Of The Food:

Know when you should not eat food: Know what to do in case of indigestion: Check out food features: Fry Ophthalmic destroyer, sperm enhancer Pan Vertical deodorizer, mouth deodorized Water fall Astringent, bloody, choleretic Nuts Vayupitta is destroyer, Venus is forceful Bale(ripe) Laxative, hemorrhoid relief Manakchu Nourishing, Purifying Radish Tridoshanashak …