It’s good to have some tension in life. A little tension encourages action in life. Brings joy, and excitement to life. But nowadays our common man’s life is filled with unhealthy tension- which destroys peace of mind, disrupts sleep, disrupts hunger, creates stress, destroys relationships with others, increases the possibility of heart disease due to long-term mental stress, and increases diabetes. Apart from this, there is another serious aspect of stress – mental stress causes sexual coldness. As a result, the husband and wife often quarrel and make life miserable.
- Stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.
- Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives.
- Everyone experiences stress to some degree.
- The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being.
To reduce tension:
To reduce tension reduce stress, the first step is to find out what is causing the stress and get away from it or ease it. The common causes of tension are- fear, physical ailments, relationships, above all the environment:
- People at home need to support the patient to reduce stress. There should be no shouting and disturbance for a small reason.
- One should always keep oneself engaged in some work rather than sitting idle.
- One should read good books and listen to good music to keep a good mind.
- It is necessary to eat food that keeps the body cool—namely cucumber, and guava amla. Besides, gourd, pointer gourd, Bitter gourd, ribbed gourd, ming bean, etc. should be kept on the food list.
According to experts, young children need 8-9 hours of sleep and adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Only then will the brain develop and the body have good health. You will be shocked to hear the accounts of the victims around the world! Sleep problems are common in almost everyone from children to the elderly. About 45 percent of people in the world suffer from sleep disorders. See below some points-
- Insomnia is caused by mental stress. Meditating for five minutes before going to sleep will give you special benefits.
- Boil 10 grams of Brahmishak in two cups of water, strain one cup, and drink it regularly to cure insomnia.
- Boil 25 grams of sushni leaves in two cups of water, strain the water and add a cup of milk and eat it regularly in the evening. It is especially beneficial for insomnia.
- If sleep is poor, a glass of milk after eating rice at night will help you sleep better.
- Apply coconut oil well on the head and bathe in cold water.
If you have high blood pressure:
- Avoid salt intake as much as possible in high blood pressure.
- Eat 10 grams of shushani leaves beet with little sugar or candy.
- Dry and powder the bark of the Agnimanth tree and take one spoon every morning on an empty stomach.
Asthma is characterized by repeated wheezing and labored breathing, chest tightness or tightness, shortness of breath & cough. The phlegm may form in the lungs after the onset of symptoms but does not want to be expelled easily. Asthma tension increases due to mental tension.
- Asthma tension increases due to mental tension.
- Grind haritaki and take one spoon every morning.
- Eating a piece of crushed ginger with ghee and honey will reduce tension-induced asthma.
- Daily consumption of raw amla or amla marmalade will also be very beneficial.
- Tulsi leaves taken with pepper and honey reduce cough and asthma.
In urinary diseases:
- If urinary disorders occur due to tension, soaking the dry seeds of tulsi leaves at night and taking beet sugar in syrup in the morning gives special benefits.
- Agnimanth leaf juice taken with 4 teaspoons of warm water normalizes urination.
Every seven seconds in the world, including India, a person is diagnosed with diabetes.
- No sweet and fatty food should be eaten.
- Uchche, bitter gourd, drumstick stalk, raw papaya, chickpea, arahat dal, etc. are fed regularly.
- Talk a spoonful of Angrographis paniculata and Neempata powder daily with warm water.
In the sexual cold:
- Constant tension affects the life of husband and wife. Decreased sexual desire. To eliminate this, husband and wife should be separated for 5-7 days first.
- Half an inch of black tulsi root chewed with betel leaves in the afternoon relives mental relaxation.
- Acacia gum is cut into small pieces fried with ghee mixed with sugar and eaten for a few days, sexual desire returns.
- Even if you consume it for seven to ten days after drinking the juice of shushani herb, you get special benefits.
Stress is caused by two things:
- It primarily depends on whether you consider the situations around you to be worthy of anxiety.
- Have you ever wondered how your thought processes affect your body?
The human body’s automatic response to unexpected events can be described as the ‘fight or flight’ response. During times of danger, our body’s instinctual intelligence takes over, triggering changes that bypass our rational thoughts.
Type of stress:
Stress is due to an excess of adaptive demands placed upon us. High demands can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. It is important to correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
The optimal amount of stress helps to promote health and growth.
Stress- How can you deal with it?
Living in the 21st century, you can no double know that you are living in a world where everything needs to be done quickly and efficiently. This kind of phenomenon is not uncommon in this century and this kind of urgency to do tasks flawlessly has caused stress in the community that you and I live in body.
Ex: you have to take care of your kids, pay bills that are still left on the table, work non-stop so you can survive this month, etc.
These daily routines can stress you out if you do not know how to handle these problems. But before diving into the topic, you must first understand what stress is about and how it pops up in our daily lives.
Stress management:
Many of us experience stress, which can hurt our health and well-being. Chronic stress can lead to physical health issues and depression. Stress can manifest in different ways, depending on the person and situation. Therefore, it’s important to reduce stress to improve our daily lives.
- Positive self-talk!
- We all talk about ourselves – but did you know that saying positive things can reduce stress and improve mood?
- Instead of saying,” I can’t do this”, say I will do the best I can. I have got this”.
- Practice positive self-talk daily – in the car, at your desk, before you go to bed, or whenever you notice negative thoughts.
- Find stress-busting activities that you love!
- Guarding against stress can take many forms, but find something that’s right for you and practice it often.
- Play with your kids or pets – outdoors, if possible.
- Take a walk in nature.
- Go for a walk, run, or bike ride to clear your head.
- Meet a friend for coffee or a meal.