Find out how to reduce excess fat.

Not many people can put in the amount of effort required to get a lean belly. Excess fat again becomes harmful to the body. Fats in particular can raise your cholesterol, which increases your risk of heart disease. According to the current US, government guidelines recommend reducing fat. If we don’t overwork, if we make a habit of exercising in the morning, those exercises help us reduce fat.

Raised padmasana:

Sit in padmasana with both hands on the ground on either side of the waist. Slowly lift your body off the ground with your hands, look straight ahead, and keep your knees and buttocks parallel to the ground. Switch legs and do it 4 times for 30 seconds. Breathing will be normal.


Improves hand muscle structure, increases hand strength, and cures hand tremors. Shoulder, neck, and abdominal muscles are strengthened. Improves digestion. Beneficial in foot pain.

Raised Padasana:

Lie on your back and lift you about a foot off the ground. The hands should be loosely on both sides of the body so that there is no pressure on the hands. Do 4/5 times for 15/20 seconds. Abdominal tremors at first, will be difficult to stay, but regular habits can stay for a long time.


The asana is effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles, preventing abdominal muscle relaxation, and reducing excess fat. The ability to walk, walk, and run increases. In creases intra-abdominal pressure facilitates stool evacuation; Digestion is good.


Go to sleep. Bend the knees bring the heels of both feet close to the buttocks and bring both hands to the sides of the ears. Fingers will be towards the feet. Now lift the stomach and waist with emphasis on the hands. The head will hang loosely. Keep the elbow as straight as possible. Do 3/4 times for 30/40 seconds keeping breathing normal.


This seat is especially suitable for children. Good exercise for all organs. As the flexibility of the spine increases, so does the efficiency of the internal organs of the body. Digestion is good. The muscles in that area are well formed due to the tension in the thighs and abdomen. Shoulder, back, and waist are exercised. Reduce excess fat. The strength of hands and feet increases. The chest expands. The physical structure is beautiful.

Forbidden :

Those who have eye disturbances and discomfort in the eyes or head while sitting in the asana – should be practiced with caution; If necessary, it is better to stop the cycling practice.

If you have tonsils, do you know which exercises will benefit you?

Tonsillitis is usually caused by viruses, but a bacterial infection can also cause it. If the tonsils are at fault, regular exercise can be beneficial.


Go to sleep. Slowly lift both legs together with the soles of the hands and push the back of the head as far as possible into the ground. The toes will be quite tight, the knees won’t break. Keep both hands on the ground. The chin will rest on the chest. 3/4 times for 30/40 seconds with normal breathing.


Halasan is especially useful in curing tonsils. Thyroid gland function is good in this asana. The muscles of the back of the body are stretched, and the flexibility of the spine increases. Brings agility to the body. The muscles of the shoulders, neck, and back are strengthened. Good abdominal exercise. Eliminates spleen and liver defects. Reduce excess belly fat. Lower abdominal laxity is removed and muscle structure is improved.


Go to sleep. Slowly raise both legs together; Use two hands if necessary. Now keep both hands on the back and bring them in a straight line from shoulder to big toe. The chin will stick to the chest. Do 3/4 tines for 30/40 seconds. Breathing will be normal. Boys and girls below 12/13 years should not be circumcised.


Regular practice increases immunity in the body. Helps in the normal growth of the body. Removes tonsils. Clears the voice. Aids in improving eyesight. Internal organs are better exercised as the body is inverted. Constipation is cured. Relieves nervousness, headache, and insomnia. The structure of the neck and shoulder muscles is good.


Sit on Vajrayana and bring your knees together. Place both hands on the knees. The big toes will touch each other and the heel will be next to the butt. After inhaling, yawn with the chin close to the chest. Hold your breath and stick your tongue out as far as possible. After staying like this for a while, close your mouth and exhale. Breathing does it through the nose. Practice like this 5/6 times.

After practicing this method for a few days, exhale through the mouth while making the sound of pulling out the tongue. There will be a vibrating sensation in the throat. When the exhalation is complete, close the mouth and inhale again through the nose. If the throat or tongue becomes dry during practice or if there is discomfort in the throat, a 2/1 mouthful of water can be taken.


Tongue stiffness is removed. It is especially effective in eliminating stuttering and voice disorders. The voice is clear and audible. Doable for music practitioners. Regular practice reduces the chances of catching a cold or catching a cold. Helpful in curing tonsillitis. Beneficial for asthma patients.

The trouble with belly fat which is a lot more common in men is that it’s not limited to the extra layer of padding located just below subcutaneous fat. It also includes visceral fat- which lies deep inside your abdomen, surrounding your internal organs.

Workout Smarter, Not Harder:

Athletes tend to push themselves 120 percent while exercising because their main objective is to jump higher, run faster, or become stronger. If your main objective is weight loss you do not need to find an appropriate intensity that will maximize your body’s ability to burn calories, specifically fat calories.

This is for small information for the post. I hope this post is very helpful to you & your family.

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