How to do Surya pranayama?


Sun is the soul of living things. Life cannot survive without sunlight. We get the food of the human race from plants, and the food that plants prepare for their survival and to sustain us is not without sunlight. The fullness of human life is also in that sunlight. Since time immemorial people have been bowling to the sun in various postures. Surya pranayama posture is kept by 10 rules-


  • Stand in salutation.
  • Raise both hands above the head and bend the back.
  • Lean forward and place both hands on the ground near the feet, forehead close to the knees.
  • Take the right leg back first.
  • Then take the left leg back, in this condition keep the two legs together, the weight of the body will be mainly on the two hands.
  • Bend the elbow and bring the body parallel to the ground, making sure that the left thigh does not touch the ground.
  • Keep the back of the body straight and lift the forearm upwards, the weight being on both hands.
  • Bring the waist up slightly from the body.
  • Now take the right leg forward.
  • Lean forward with the left leg forward and place both hands on the ground near the feet, forehead close to the knees.
  • Again raise both hands above the head and bend the back.
  • Stand in the first position in salutation


Surya pranam practice gives a beautiful exercise to all parts of the body in a very short time. The body feels quite light. Spinal-adjacent nerve muscles become refreshed. The work of the heart, lungs, etc. is good. Surya pranayama practice before asana practice is particularly fruitful. Yoga makes the body suitable for practice inertia is removed.

  • The body is healthy and strong in this asana. Chitta Chanchalya is removed, leg strength is increased, skin diseases are cured, and back and waist pain is removed.
  • Sore throat curse, Distortion of tone is removed.
  • Their eyesight is sharp. Increases shoulder strength.
  • Metallurgy decreases.
  • Cure arm leg and knee pain, cure stomach ache and reduce waist fat.
  • Irregular periods of girls become regular, semen is purified.
  • The hair root is strong, wind disease is prevented, and the spine will be softened.

Some important points about yoga asana:

Misconception About Yoga:

Many people say that if you do yoga, you have to eat more milk-fish- meat-egg-bananas, otherwise your health will break down. Those who refrained from doing yoga because of such ideas should remember that yoga can be done by eating food like vegetables, fish, pulses, and rice. But for lifting dumbbells, wrestling dumbbells, barbells, etc.

Many people refrain from yoga because they fear that their wrists and ankles may be injured or broken – but this idea is completely wrong. In yoga asana, there is no possibility of breaking hands and feet but it becomes strong and strong.

Many people think that those who break their bones in the fields or factories do not need to do yoga. But they also need yoga. Because their work does not circulate blood throughout the body. They are so tired. Yoga asana should be practiced to relieve fatigue and generate new energy. and those who work mentally need yoga asana.

Some important points about Yoga asana:

Always do yoga in a light and airy place. Do not perform yoga in uneven, damp, smelly places. If the bad smell comes from outside, try to burn good incense to destroy the bad smell.

Do not do yoga in a place where there will be noise and mosquitoes. Do not perform yoga with kerosene lamps lit in the kitchen.

Spread a blanket in two folds in a clean place and then do yoga to get a clean sheet. Do not perform yoga on a spring mattress or soft bed.

Do not wear tight clothing while sitting in yoga postures. Clothes will be loose. It is best to do yoga in tight and lights.

Sit on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after eating. Do any asana for 15 seconds to 30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds in Shavasana again 5-6 times.

You can do yoga after waking up in the morning after passing stool and urine and drinking a glass of water.

Never starve yourself for too long. Eat a little bit. Otherwise, there may be problems.

Keep a mirror in front of you while practicing yoga. It will help you to understand whether your seating method is correct or not.

Make a list of how you will sit each day.

Make a fixed time for yoga sitting. It is better to do asana twice a day at that time every day. It won’t hurt to drop one or two and then.

Those who practice yoga should drink at least 5 glasses of water every day. Drink water 1 hour before or 1 hour after food. Do not drink water while eating.

Wash your head thoroughly with cold water while taking a bath. And stand straight and pour water on the root of the navel with a cup or a mug.

Many people bathe in hot water during winter. But they should see the heat of this water does not exceed the body temperature. That will be a loss.

Those with low digestive capacity should consume goat’s milk. But never drink milk cold. Those who have liver problems should eat curd, Ghol, and chickpeas instead of milk and ghee. Cold and iron people should avoid milk and milk food.

Eat raw vegetables, nuts, and raw fruits without eating too much fish, meat, or eggs.

Those who cannot drink milk should eat groundnuts, rips bananas, guavas, coconut, pulses, and vegetables.

Avoid sleeping during the day and sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a night. Better to go to bed between ten and eleven o’clock.

When yoga is not appropriate:

Those who have heart failure. Those with poor eyesight, and high blood pressure should do yoga with advice.

No Yoga asana should be done for women seven days after menstruation and seven months after pregnancy.

Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, and Salvasasana are not recommended for liver enlargement.

Those who suffer from a cold or nasal disease for about twelve months should not do any asana.

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