Food should be chewed well every day. The consumption of non-vegetable food and oil spices should be reduced. Eating more raw papaya, potato, shrimp, brinjal, nuts, apple, sweet, orange, coconut milk, cucumber juice, and olive oil is good. never overeat.
Yoga Mudra:
Sit in Padmasana. Lean forward slowly with both hands on the ankles(one on top of the other). Keep your head as far forward as possible and keep your forehead on the ground. Rise slowly for 1 minute. Do a total of four times, alternating legs. Breaking will be normal. There is a lot of pressure on the stomach. The butt will stick to the ground.
Very effective in removing digestive disorders. The efficiency of the liver, pancreas, spleen, small intestine, etc. Increase, digestion is better. In chronic constipation, if you practice regularly for some time, the disease will be easier. Beneficial for dysentery, appendicitis, colitis, and gastritis patients. Eliminates heartburn. Cross your back.
Pawan Muktasan:
Lie down with your legs straight. Bend the right near the knee and hold the chest with both hands, making sure that there is a lot of pressure on the abdomen. Spread the legs from 20/25 seconds. Now press the left leg to the chest. Release the left leg and pull both legs together, holding the same time each time. Right leg, left leg, both legs together once, do this 4/5 times. Always start on the right foot. If there is not enough pressure on the stomach after holding the leg, then take a thin pillow or sheet between the stomach and the thigh.
This asana is especially useful for expelling flatulence. For those who have flatulence disease, regular practice in the morning will benefit. Helps cure dysentery, colitis, constipation, etc. Appetite increases and food is easily digested. Liver, spleen, and stomach defects are removed. Helps reduce abdominal and lower abdominal fat, and improves abdominal muscle tone, buttocks, legs, and knees are well exercised.
Inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. This filling and purgative process is Anulom-Bilom. First sit in sukhasana left padmasana. Now close the right with the thumb of the right hand and inhale slowly through the left nostril. As soon as the inhalation is complete, close the left nostril with the ring finger and little finger and slowly exhale through the right nostril. This air intake or exhaust should be very fast. As soon as the act of acceptance ends, the act of relinquishment will begin. This action should be done 10-15 times daily. But whenever you feel tired take some rest and do it again. And start it just before sunrise.
Diseases of the head, heart, and lungs are cured. Menstrual problems girls have removed constipation. asthma, cold, and cough are cured. Cancer is cured.
Bend your knees and sit on it with your ankles slightly apart. Keep your feet straight. Knees will be bent and big toes will be touching. Straighten the spine and place both hands loosely on the knees. Do 3 times for 1 minute. If you feel pain in the leg at first, give it for a short time(15/20 seconds). After some practice, do it twice for two minutes and the breathing will be normal.
For those who suffer from stomach diseases like indigestion, heartburn, constipation, etc. this asana practice 5/10 minutes after eating is particularly beneficial. Regular practice improves digestion. It helps to cure leg pain and sciatica rheumatism. The nerve muscles of the legs are strengthened. If you feel leg pain due to standing for a long time, Vajrayana practice relieves you. Practicing Vajrasana sitting in bed just before going to bed at night improves sleep.
Process and benefits of Kapalavathi and Anulom-Bilom Balm-
Kalap means brain and vati means luster, radiance, aura, etc. That is, the brain or forehead glows when doing pranayama. Just as Bhastika pranayama emphasizes the breath and exhalation, Kapalvati pranayama emphasizes only the breath or the purgative of the breath.
Sit in padmasana or Siddhasana and place both hands on the knees. Now the breath should be drawn up to the navel and the breath should be released in parts and slowly in this way by pushing the navel region towards the back i.e. towards the spine, the navel should be blended towards the spine. Thus beginners will practice 25/30 strokes per minute. Practice in this manner at an increasing speed of 60 times per minute. Can be pushed up to 100 times per minute.
Inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. This process of filling and excretion is Anulom-Bilom. As this action is done with the help of air, it is called Vatkram Kapalvati.
How to do?
First sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana. Now close the right nostril with the thumb of the hand and inhale slowly through the left nostril. This air intake and exhaust must be very fast. As soon as the act of acceptance ends, the act of relinquishment will begin. However, the air intake time should be slightly longer than the air intake time. This action should be done 10 to 15 times daily. But whenever you feel tired then take some rest and do it again. And start a little before sunrise.
Diseases of the head, heart, and lungs are cured. Facial beauty is enhanced in both men and women. Menstrual problems of girls are removed. Constipation, asthma, and colds are cured. Cancer is cured.
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This will help you to reach and maintain a healthy body weight. Try to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week e.g. Cycling, jogging, swimming, etc., and muscle-strengthening exercises at least 2 days a week.
I hope this small information for you. In this post, I explain how to solve this problem. Thank you so much.