Know How To Eliminate All Eye Problems:

Eyes are one of the most important sense organs we have and taking care of them is just as important as taking care of other parts of the body. Ayurveda has several exercises to improve eyesight and maintain good eyesight. In today’s modern era, we have to sit in front of the computer, younger boys and girls look at their mobile phones, study in low light, look at the light for a long time, and other reasons we have various eye problems.

Difficulty seeing distant objects. Many people get attached to glasses, and many people do not like wearing glasses, but due to problems, they have to wear glasses. There are certain exercises, which will cure various eye problems.

Wake up every morning, clean, and do all these exercises. Two times i.e. in the morning and in the evening keeping the stomach empty gives more benefits. If all these exercises are practiced regularly, hopefully within 1 month various eye problems will disappear. You will see changes in yourself. Below are the exercises described-

Sun Salutation:

Sun is the soul of living things. Life cannot survive without sunlight. We get the food of the human race from plants, and the food that plants prepare for their survival and to sustain us is not without sunlight. The fullness of human life is also in that sunlight. Since time immemorial people have been bowing to the sun in various postures.


  • Stand in salutation
  • Raise both hands above the head and bend the back.
  • Lean forward and place both hands on the ground near the feet, forehead close to the knees.
  • Take the right leg back first.
  • Then take the left leg back, and keep both legs together in this condition, the weight of the body will be mainly on the two hands.
  • Bend the elbow and bring it parallel to the ground, making sure that the left thigh does not touch the ground.
  • Keep the back of the body straight and lift the forearm upwards, the weight being on both hands.
  • Bring the waist up slightly from the body.
  • Now take the right leg forward.
  • Lean forward with the left leg forward and place both hands on the ground near the feet, forehead close to the knees.
  • Again raise both hands above the head and bend the back.
  • Stand in the first position in salutation.

Reversible Currency:

Biporitkoroni mudra yoga

Do Shavasana first. Now straighten the entire body and lift both legs slightly from the waist. Then, keeping the full weight of the body after the elbow and wrists, lift the legs together as far as possible. Both the legs should be kept at right angles at that time and there should be an inch gap between the chain and the chest. From that position for 1 minute, come back to the normal position rest for 15 seconds, and repeat the asana 5-6 more times.


Brain blood flow is not disturbed. No dizziness, or exhaustion. Eyesight is good, low blood pressure is good, bowels are clean, and white matter is good.


Anulom-bilom yoga

Inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. This filling and purgative process is Anulom-Bilom. First sit in sukhasana left Padmasana. Now close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale slowly through the left nostril. As soon as the inhalation is complete, close the left nostril with the ring finger and little finger and exhale through the right nostril. This air intake or exhaust should be very fast.

As soon as the act of acceptance ends, the act of relinquishment will begin. This action be done 10-15 times daily. But whenever you feel tired, rest and do it again and start it just before sunrise.


The point between the index finger and the middle finger should give us pressure. The pressure point between two fingers is very beneficial for the eyes. Pressing on the pressure point should not be too hard but should slowly with medium speed. If pain is felt on the pressure point while pressing, it should be understood, that there is a disease of the organ related to the pressure point.

Acupressure can be done at any time. Depending on the disease, pressure points can be done for up to two minutes. Continuous pressure should not be applied to the same point. The time to apply pressure on the points depends somewhat on the patient’s tolerance. If constant pressure hurts, do not apply too much pressure.

The process of turning the eyes in different directions:

Eyes should look along the two diagonals. First, do 5 times from left side to right side after 5 seconds rest then do 5 times from right side to left side. This should be done 3-4 times by changing the eyes.

Eyes should look from top to bottom. Both eyes should look from top to bottom following the picture above. repeat from top to bottom 5 times after resting for 5 seconds. This should be done 3-4 times.

Both eyes should look from right to left and from left to right. After moving the eyes from right to left 5 times, rest for 5 seconds and repeat this 3-4 times.


Both eyes should rotate around. If you start rotating from the right side. After rotating 5 times, rest for 5 seconds and start again from the left side. this should be done 3-4 times.

If you get into the habit of doing these exercises daily, you will notice a change in your eyes within 1 month.

Eye surgery for vision correction :

  1. Laser is used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
  2. Treat cataracts by removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial, clear lens.
  3. Allow extra fluid to drain out of the eye and help lower eye pressure.
  4. Treat crossed eyes by making a small incision in the clear tissue covering the white of the eye.

Now eye diseases are increasing daily due to increased pollution and changing food habits made early again of eyes. Small children and aged people have eye problems.

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