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Know How to Work Computer?

Computers solve mathematical and logical problems by receiving data at the data entry level, organizing them conveniently, and processing the receiving data. the processing results are then displayed on a computer monitor or printed on paper. Computers store data, information, or results in memory for as short a time as needed or forever.

What are the characteristics of a computer?

Computer facilities:

Difficulty Using Computer:

Use of computers in society:

Computers can perform a variety of tasks very quickly. Whether these tasks are mathematical or logical, Computers help us quickly get the true result or value close to the true result. So nowadays the scope of use and usage of computers in our daily life is increasing

In modern society the use of computers is increasing in all fields-

You must be aware that a computer is a machine that is used to store, manipulate, transmit, and receive information or data. There are different types of computers. Do you know how many types of computers have been invented till now? If you don’t know the answer to this question, there is no need to worry. In this article, readers will be able to learn about the different types of computers.

The first thing that you need is that computers can be categorized in two ways. Computers can either be differentiated based on their data handling capabilities or based on their sizes. If we take data handling capabilities into account, then there are three types of computers. These three types of computers are-

Computers can also be classified based on their computing power and speed and the categories of this type of classification are mentioned below-

When people talk about computers, they refer to hardware and software. The parts of the computer you can see and touch are called hardware. The instructions are called computer programs or software. Data is the raw facts in the form of words, sounds, numbers, or pictures.


  1. Your computer connects to the router using TCP/IP and asks for a local IP address
  2. The router responds and gives your computer the local IP address 192.3423.211.1
  3. Your router requests an IP address to connect to the Internet. The ISP assigns your WAN address as 342.56.2334.23
  4. While on the internet you request access to the computer hope server by entering the URL:…… using DNS that address is translated to an IP address 233.544.24.8 and that TCP/IP packet travels over multiple routers and computer until it reaches that address.
  5. Your TCP/IP packet reaches its destination and communicates with the other computer it responds and repeats the above steps to get the data back to your computer.

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