Learn tips to keep your body healthy:

  • Do not eat fish that does not have scales on it, it causes various diseases. Don’t eat Hilsha fish for several days in a row, it can re-attack the disease that has been cured. That’s why Hilsha fish is not eaten in succession.
  • To keep the stomach cool, taking two spoons of chickpea chhatu, two spoons of barley chhatu and 2 red batasa in the morning is beneficial. But don’t drink tea or coffee for an hour. Drinking hot water and lemon juice mixed in the morning can prevent many diseases. Note that children should drink water after eating rice. Drinking less water makes the kidneys worse.

It also causes complications. You should also drink more water for diarrhea. Make sure that the child sleeps without eating at night. If he sleeps without food for several days in a row, he may have a serious illness. Special attention should be given to children who have recovered from polio.

  • Those who drink alcohol every day will benefit from kidney, heart, and lung soup.
  • Patha naribhudi is beneficial even if eaten with little or no spices. Especially for gastric patients.
  • People with strong-smelling urine should drink plenty of water. If possible it is better to play with a little lime.
  • Bathing with navel oil does not cause cracks in the lips, ankles, and other parts of the body. Asthmatic patients can’t stop smoking Bidi cigarettes. A little open-air privacy is needed. It is necessary to walk barefoot in the morning. Do not give too many colored sweets to children. Colored oranges, drops, mihi dana, colored jellies, etc. It causes serious damage to the kidneys.
  • Consuming ripe bell beeches with betel nut fills up the decay. By burning raw bells, girls get rid of various difficulties.
  • Male importance is removed by eating bell with gum.
  • For those who have bowel movements after eating rice, eating two jackfruit bananas in the morning with a snack can be beneficial.
  • Those who have bowel movements more than 8-10 times a day should eat two fried bananas in the morning. You will get great benefits and if you take a bath before sunrise, you will get rid of many diseases. For example high blood pressure, sugar, low- pressure, etc.
  • At least 28 diseases can be cured by eating rice with banana leaves. of course, eat rice while sitting on the floor, not on a chair or table. Eating hot food in banana leaves is more beneficial. One should not urinate standing, at least at the beginning and end of the day i.e. After waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night. One should never urinate facing the sun. This may cause male venus dosha. People who suffer from stomach diseases for a long time should never eat beans and eggs.
  • Never eat broken eggs. It increases infectious diseases.
  • Eggs are absolutely forbidden for those who have black stools.
  • Eating food never improves appearance. Naps are harmful to the body. Sick patients are different. Napping causes heartburn.
  • People with heartburn- drink water at least 20 minutes after eating food. The more water you can drink, the better.
  • In case of chronic heartburn – get sugarcane molasses and syrup test bitton test. Don’t eat handbread without salad. Make a salad with beets, carrots, shallots, radishes, onions, tomatoes, and lemon juice. But if you have heartburn, don’t use lemon juice.

Diagnosis of the patient:


The core temperature should be checked with a thermometer. A healthy person’s normal temperature is 98.8 degrees. If the temperature is 99 degrees to 101 degrees, it should be understood that there is a slight fever. If the temperature is 101 degrees- 103 degrees, it should be understood as high fever, 103 degrees to 105 degrees is a sign of severe fever 105 degrees – 107 degrees is a fatal fever, and 107 degrees- 110 degrees is a sign of death. But 104 degrees – 106 degrees in malaria fever is no reason to fear. Because the heat of that fever does not last very long.


The pulse is seen by pressing the right hand of the man and the left hand of the woman. A healthy human pulse from birth to 1 year is 120 to 140 beats per minute. From 2 to 5 years 90 to 105 times, from 6 to 15 years 80 to 90 times, from 16 to 60 years 70 to 75 times, and from 50 to 75 years 50 to 65 times.


30 breaths per minute up to one year. 25 times in 2 years, 21-24 times from 3 years to 14 years, and 18-20 times above 15 years. If the breathing is slow and slightly warm is good and cool and frequent breathing is bad.

Relation of pulse, respiration, and heat:

When the temperature increases by 1 degree, a woman’s heart rate increases by 10 times, and her breathing rate increases by 2 times. At a normal temperature of 98.4 degrees, the pulse rate is 75 times and the respiration rate is 20 times. If the temperature is 100 degrees, the pulse rate is 90 times, breathing rate is 22 times.


In a healthy body, the tongue is clear and juicy. Tongue dry in high fevers and nervous diseases, white coating in an upset stomach. The tongue is yellow due to bile, the tongue is red due to severe stomach fever. The tongue turns blue when blood circulation is disturbed. If the tongue is back, it should be understood that death is imminent. Indigestion and upset stomach cause sores on the tongue.


Normally children pass 4/5 times a day and adults 2 times in the morning and evening. Normal stool is light yellow. If bile is high the color of the stool is black and if bile is low, the stool is gray. If there is acid in the stomach it will be green, due to intestinal inflammation the stool will be bloody and mucous, if there is cholera the color of the stool will be like rice washing water.


A healthy person should urinate 4 to 6 times in 24 hours. Normally the color of urine will be bright yellow. In a healthy state, the urine does not have burning pain or odor. Jaundice causes the urine to turn yellow. In the case of creamy diseases, the color of urine is like lime. Blood in the urine is due to sexually transmitted diseases.


A healthy body sweats. But excessive sweating is not good. If there is sweating during a fever, it should be understood that the fever is leaving. Not sweating is worse. With sweat, the body’s pollutants come out.


Pain is also a symptom of the disease. If the pain is more, there is a fear of fever. This pain is again of two types. Pressing into a type of pain prevents relief. Other types of pain are painful when pressed. But from the pain, one can the location of a disease.

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