Swami Vivekananda Bani(Part-1):

Swami Vivekananda was a great social reformer and a very inspirational figure in India. Vivekananda was called Narendranath Dutta. He was born on 12 January 1863 in Calcutta. Vivekananda’s father Vishwanath Dutta and mother Bhubaneswari Devi. Wherever he went, his magnetic personality created a great buzz. I present to you some words of Swami Vivekananda.

  • When he wants to do religious work, he wants to worship the kurmbadas first- the stomach is that kurma. If you don’t cool it first, no one will talk about your religion. Can’t you see, Indian is restless with the thought of the stomach? If you want to preach religion, you have to first remove the stomach of the People of this country. Otherwise, there will be no special results in just the lecture.
  • As long as India’s 20 crores remain like starving animals, I call them miserable palmers, who flaunt their money by crushing them and doing nothing for them. Hey brothers! we are poor, we are insignificant but the poor like us have always worked as instruments of the supreme.
  • First, teach the people of the country how to get food, then read and self-power in you, then awaken faith in that power as much as you can among all the poor people of the country and teach them to be greedy for food first, then for religion.
  • Education and uplifting the masses is the way of national life-building. Our philanthropists cannot find where the wound is there is no crime in our religion because there is nothing special about idolatry. The root of all error lies in the fact the real caste those who live in cottages, have forgotten their individuality and humanity. They need to regain their lost individuality. They should be educated.
  • Is Indian unintelligent? – Artless? Looking at his art, his math, and his visits, can you call him short on anything? All that is needed is that he should wake up from Mohindra – the long slumber of centuries – and take his rightful place among all the nations of the world.
  • Let the new India come out. Beruk takes the plow, through the farmer’s hut, and the fisherman garlands the cobblestones from among the scavengers’ hunts. From the grocery store, from the factory, from the market, from the market, from the jungle, from the mountains. They have suffered thousands of years of torture, they have suffered in silence – they have obtained wonderful tolerance. Sanatan has experienced suffering – it has gained unwavering vitality. They can turn the world upside down by eating a handful of umbrellas; They are life-blooded.

  • Faith, faith, faith- faith in yourself – faith in God- this is the only way to prosper. If you have faith in the thirty-three crore gods of the mythology of this country and all the gods imported by foreigners, but if you do not have confidence, you will never be liberated. Have faith in yourself – that faith means standing on your own feet and being brave.
  • Believe in yourself. Strong faith is the father of great works. Go ahead, go ahead. To sympathize with the poor and downtrodden till death is our motto. Go forth, brave young men.
  • I want this respect. We all need this confidence. The seeds of a terrible disease are entering our national consciousness- the laughing off of everything, the lack of seriousness. This dosha must be completely abandoned. Be patient, be patient, and everything will come.
  • Take courage, don’t be afraid. Our ‘Expression’ must be fearless, only then will we succeed; wake up, because your motherland is celebrating this great sacrifice.
  • Take courage believe us, we will do great things, we poor people- Who are hated by people, but who understand the suffering of people. There is very little hope of doing great things with kings.
  • Do not put any trust in the noble, high-ranking, or rich. They have no vitality. Reliance is on you- rankless, poor but faithful – on you. Have faith in God. No tricks are needed; Nothing happens by trickery. Feel the pain of the afflicted and pray to God for help.
  • You can do everything. Keep this faith. Don’t think you are weak. You can do everything without the help of others. All power is within you; Rise and reveal the divinity that lies within you.
  • If you don’t believe in yourself, you don’t believe in God.
  • People want, people want; And everything will be done. Vigorous, bright, confident youth is needed. A hundred such youths can turn the tide of the whole world.
  • Come on be a man. Come out of your narrow hole and see how all nations are progressing. Do you love people? Come, then, we strive to be better – to improve. Don’t look back move forward.
  • Mother India wants to sacrifice thousands of young people. Remember – we want men, not beasts. What our country needs now – muscles as strong as iron and nerves as steel, a will so strong that no one can resist him – if in doing this he must go to the depths of the sea, if or always be prepared to embrace all forms of death! This is what we need now.
  • What we need now is energy. We are weak. Refresh your nerves. We need – muscles like iron and nerves like lightning. We have cried for a long time; No need to cry anymore, stand on your own two feet and be a man.
  • Want complete simplicity, purity, great intelligence, and all-conquering willpower? If a handful of people with all these qualities are useful, then the world turns upside down. Slow and steady care for character formation and intense effort to realize the truth can only influence the future life of mankind.
  • A weak brain can do nothing; We have to be strong brains – our youth must be strong first, then religion. My young friends, be strong – this is my message to you. If you play football and then read Gita, you will get closer to heaven

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