Swami Vivekananda Bani(Part-2):

Swami Vivekananda was a great social reformer and a very inspirational figure in India. Vivekananda was called Narendranath Dutta. He was born on 12 January 1863 in Calcutta. Vivekananda’s father Vishwanath Dutta and mother Bhubaneswari Devi. Wherever he went, his magnetic personality created a great buzz. I present to you some words of Swami Vivekananda.

  • You may form thousands of associations, hold twenty thousand political conventions, establish fifty thousand schools- nothing will come of it until that sympathy, that love, arises within you until that heart is awakened within you, which the heart feels for all.
  • Don’t forget- Your marriage, your wealth, and your life as for sensual pleasure – not for your personal. Do not forget- you are sacrificed for ‘mother’ from birth; don’t forget – your society is the shadow of great mahamaya; Do not forget – law caste, stupid, poor, ignorant, cobbler, scavenger your blood, your brother!
  • Fear not ye poor, fear not ye witless; who has seen where- money makes people? People always make money. All the progress in the world has been made by the power of people, by the power of faith.
  • Wake up, long dewy dawn. Daylight is appearing. A great wave has risen. Nothing can stop its momentum anymore….faith and respect. Fear not, the most serious sin – fear!
  • Arise, awake, rest not till the goal is reached; Get up, Get up once more, nothing can happen without sacrifice. If you want to help others, you have to give up your ego. Be dispassionate. Be prepared to give up this little life of yours. Get up, wake up; If this tiny life goes, what is the harm? All will die- saintly and unscrupulous, rich and poor – all will die. No one’s body will last forget. so get up, wake up, and be completely honest.
  • Don’t be afraid of small beginnings, small things grow. Take courage don’t be a leader, serve. this brute instinct of leadership has sunk many great ships in the ocean of life. Be especially careful in this matter, i.e. be selfless and act, scorning even dearth.
  • Go forth, lord our leader. Don’t look back. Don’t go to see who read it. Go forward, forward. This is how we will proceed – one will read, and one will take his place.
  • Let’s name Yash Chulo. Get to work, brave young men. Remove all laziness, remove the desire for worldly and hereafter enjoyment. Jump into the fire. Let the that burns within you, let your mind and face be united- let there be no theft at all in the house of Bhav. May you die like a hero on the battlefield of the world- this is always Vivekananda’s motto.

  • What the world needs now is character. The world now wants those whose lives are loving and selfless.
  • Money doesn’t matter, name doesn’t matter, success doesn’t matter, knowledge doesn’t matter, love does everything- only character can break through the thunderous wall of obstacles.
  • I want character, I want such firmness and strength of character so that people can hold on to their feelings.
  • Get rid of the blasphemers. Let your mouth be closed, let your heart be open. Save this country and the whole world. each of you should think that all the burden is on you.
  • No good purpose is served by cursing and swearing. Such attempts have been made for many years, but to no avail. Sulph-attainment can only be hoped for through love and compassion.
  • Every person should be thought of as a God and should be treated as such, not hating anyone or slandering or being unkind in any way. And this is not only the duty of a monk, but the duty of all men and women.
  • Be it today, be it tomorrow, be it hundreds of ages later, truth will win, love will win. Do you love people? Where are you going to find God? The poor, the miserable, the weak – are not all your gods? Why not worship them first? Do you have love in your heart? Only then are you almighty. Are you completely innocent? If so, who can resist your power? Character wins everywhere.
  • Everything must be sacrificed for the sake of truth, but truth must not be discarded for the sake of anything. The search for truth is an expression of strength – it is not weak or blind groping.
  • I think neglecting the people of the country is our great national sin and therefore one of the reasons for our decline.
  • Education should be spread among the public. If the poor cannot education(i.e. do not take the initiative to learn it themselves), then education must go to the farmer’s plow, to the laborer, and elsewhere.
  • Educate the people in the common language, make them think, and Let them know many things; But something more is needed right away. Try to give them credit. The only way to bring about equality in society by eliminating caste discrimination is to master education and culture as the reason for the power of the upper castes; If you can do that, you will you want.
  • All races have grown by worshiping girls. In a country where girls are not worshiped, that country has never been able to grow, and will never be able to. For this, they should be picked first.
  • Leave your daughter with education. Then they will say what national reform is needed for them.
  • Girls will solve their problems themselves if they get an education. Our girls have always been educated on paper. If anything, only crying is strong. The sense of heroism also needs to be learned. At this time, it is necessary to learn self-defending among them. Look how the queen of Jhansi was!
  • Education of women should be promoted based on religion. Education other than religion will be secondary. Education is needed for religious education, character building, and celebration. Otherwise, his work will go wrong.
  • It may take fifty years to conquer India with the help of five hundred men, but it can be done in just a few weeks by five hundred women.
  • Religion is a concept that elevates animals to humanity and man to divinity.
  • Religion is the development of the divinity that is inherent in man.
  • Character is the real strength. Spirituality means acquiring that character.
  • Strive to be pure and selfless – all religion in it.
  • The first sign that are becoming righteous is that you will become more and more cheerful. If one has a sore mouth – it may be due to indigestion, but it is not religion.
  • To be honest and to do righteous deeds – therein lies all religion. Not the one who cries ‘Lord Lord’, but the one who does God’s will is righteous.
  • Be righteous and courageous, let the heart be completely pure. Be principled and courageous – do not fear for your life. Don’t worry about religious opinions. Only cowards commit sins, heroes never commit sins- do not allow the thought of sin enter their minds.
  • Loving others is religion, hating others is a sin. Belief in God and self is religion, doubt is sin. Discrimination is religion, discrimination is sin.
  • The poor, the foolish, the ignorant, the wretched – let these be your gods, that their service will know supreme dharma.

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