Adequacy, adversity, Success, failure, success-failure, victory-loss in all this is called yoga. Great men perfected in yoga practice remain the same in happiness and sorrow, victory and defeat. They do not shrink from pain and do not break even with a hundred blows. This can only be achieved through yoga. In the Upanishads, this yoga is divided into four parts.
- Mantra yoga:
Chanting the mother mantra for twelve years with regularity and devotion, the saint attains siddhi. Ramakrishna, Bamakhayapa, and Ramaprased achieved success by chanting this mother mantra.
- Loyola:
Meditating on god in the morning and before going to bed is called Loyoga.
- Hatha Yoga:
Hatha yoga is the concentration of mind and body through different mudras, asanas, pranayama, etc.
- Rajyoga:
Yava, niyama, asana, pranayama, withdrawal, meditation, and samadhi, through this Asthamarag, the meeting of the astral soul is called raja yoga. Sri Sri chaitanya mahaprabhu, Laknath Brahmachari, Buddhadeva, Jesus Krishna, Jaratha Muhammad, etc. Had a vision of their supreme soul in Rajayoga.
Effects of yoga on our body-
Health yoga practices like yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, withdrawal, meditation, and samadhi, etc., rejuvenate our dormant tantras and activate the subtle nervous system, resulting in proper blood circulation, and the development of new energies. Due to this, the body develops strength, and diseases are eradicated.
By asana and pranayama, the blood vessels and veins become alive and active by the friction, repulsion, contraction- and expansion of the various glands and muscles of the body. As a result diabetes disease is eliminated. Heart disease can also be relieved by yoga.
Clean air enters the lungs, thereby improving the health of the lungs, thereby preventing asthma, allergies, and respiratory infections. Fat cannot accumulate in the body. The body becomes healthy and beautiful.
If we devote ourselves to the practice of yoga with dignity, we can improve physically, mentally, intellectually, spiritually, and spiritually and gain nearness to God.
What do we mean by healthy people?
A person who has rheumatism, pitta, or Kapha body is useful. The seven organs of the body are in proper proportion, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, and semen, the excretory system is proper, eyes, nose, ears, skin, tongue, hands and feet, Rasana, vay, subastha, etc. Tenth sense mind and the husbands of the mind, please call that person a healthy person. To keep healthy, we need to need these three things healthy: food, sleep, and celibacy.
A person who is calm and restrained in his diet, behavior, judgment, and behavior, who has divinity in his actions, purity in his mind, and devotion to good, and whose sleep and waking are meaningful are the three yogis. Now deal with these three pillars and rules of human life.
The human body is formed by food. and this diet affects the body and mind. Our body is affected by vata, pitta, and kapha. Someone’s body is sick. Someone’s bile, someone’s phlegm, and food should be taken in the same way.
The role of mudra in pranayama:
Finger placement plays a special role in pranayama. Panchabhuta can be controlled by this finger.
- Thumb – A symbol of sun or fire.
- Index finger(Indicator finger) – Symbol of wind and air.
- Madhyama(Middle finger) – Symbol of space.
- Anamika(Grape) – A symbol of the earth.
- Little finger – A symbol of water
Meditation Mudra:
During pranayama, only the thumb should be touched by the index finger.
Benefits – This Practice should be done at least 15 times in the morning and evening. This mudra improves concentration and memory. Anxiety is removed. Fatigue caused by insomnia is destroyed.
Air Currency-
In this mudra, the index finger should be pressed on the mount of the venue at the base of the thumb. Just hold it down, don’t press it. The remaining three fingers will remain straight. It should be done for at least 10-15 minutes.
Benefits- This mudra cures any rheumatic disease. especially arthritis, gout, arthritis, tremors, paralysis, knee pain, sciatica, and gas disease are removed. This mudra is also particularly effective in neck and spine pain.
Sky Currency-
The middle finger leads the Akasha tattva. In this mudra, the middle finger should be pressed at the root of the thumb. The rest of the fingers should be kept straight. It should be done for at least 10-15 minutes.
Benefits- regular use of this mudra cures dizziness, any ear disease, earache, hearing loss, and deafness. Thyroid diseases and throat diseases are removed. Heart disease is cured. Gums are strengthened.
Earth Currency-
In this mudra, the thumb should be pressed with the ring finger. The practice should be done 15 times for at least 30 seconds.
Benefits- If this mudra is practiced, body weight deficiency and wasting disease are removed, and physical weakness is removed. The vitality of the body and mind increases. Peace of mind is maintained. Sattvic qualities develop. Increases vitality and radiance in the body.
Prana Mudra-
In this mudra, the little finger, ring finger, and the tip of the thumb should be joined together. The remaining two fingers should be kept straight. Do this for at least 30 seconds 15-20 times.
Benefits- This mudra develops the latent energy of the soul, makes the body and mind energetic, reduces eye defects, and increases light. As a result of this mudra practice for a long time, there is no hunger or thirst even after fasting. In insomnia, it gives good results if used with jnana mudra.
Lost currency-
In this mudra, the tips of the thumb, middle, and right fingers should be brought together and touching each other and the other two fingers should be kept straight.
Benefits- This mudra is especially beneficial for the stomach. This mudra gives special results in heart disease. Expels foreign substances from the body. Regular practice of this mudra gives good results in constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, wind disorders, kidney disorders, dental disorders, and urinary disorders.
Apna Vayu Mudra-
In this mudra, only the little finger should be kept straight and the rest of the fingers should touch the tip of the thumb, forefinger, and middle ring finger together.
Benefits- It gives very good results in cases of high blood pressure disease and asthma headaches. If you do this mudra 5-10 minutes before climbing the stairs, you do not feel the fatigue of breaking the stairs at all. Those with weak hearts should practice this mudra regularly. Doing this mudra gives relief from heart disease. This mudra helps in expelling gas from the stomach in case of sudden gas formation.
Agni Mudra(sun)-
Wrap the right finger in this mudra and press the outer side with the second fold of the thumb. The exercise should be done 15-20 times for 30 seconds.
Benefits – Digestive power will increase if you practice this mudra. Heat will be generated in the body, fat will be reduced, tension will be reduced, and energy will be developed. this amount of chorister in the reduced, energy will be development. The amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases.
Barun Mudra-
This coin has life force. In this mudra, the little finger and the thumb should be wrapped in such a way that the tip of the thumb touches the little finger. The practice should be done 15-20 times for 30 seconds.
Benefits- The roughness of the body is removed and the skin becomes soft. Diseases arising from the lack of water theory are removed. Overcoming mental weakness enlivens the mind and increases eyesight.
Shiva Mudra-
In this mudra, the palms of both hands are covered and the fingers should be inserted into the grooves of each other. Now keep the thumb of the left hand straight and warp it with the index finger and thumb of the right hand. Do this 15-20 times.
Benefits- Increases lung power. Creates heat in the body. Reduce colds and phlegm, reduce body fat, water, fruit, fruit juice, ghee, and milk should be consumed more when applying this mudra. This mudra should not be done for a long time.