What To Do To Be Careful After 40 Years:

  • After 40 years don’t eat eggs, brinjal, Prawns, Iilsha, bony fish, crabs, raw salt, dal pills, or various saltwater fish. They cause various diseases. A vegetarian diet is mandatory at this age.
  • Among the vegetables to eat – are thor, mocha, unripe banana, fig, sajna data, cow’s milk, chickpea, raw egg, mango, shapla, kachur lati, rice pumpkin, moldy onion, sour curd, manakchu, and ol. Eat a spoonful of honey every night before going to bed. Never eat only pulses. Be sure to add some vegetables. Like – Uchche, bitter gourd, green plantain, papaya, potal, sajne stem, jinge, gourd etc.

If you don’t have any grains, you can benefit by adding only garlic or green chilies. Do not eat only one dal among the dals that is Khesaridal It increases infection. Never give two vegetables to the dal. namely- Potatoes and Beans. Potatoes increase blood sugar. Dysentery increases in sim. People who have blood sugar should walk on an empty stomach in the morning.

After that, ten twelve rice and ten twelve tulsi leaves are consumed with water or raw chilies are chopped and soaked in water, and the water is also beneficial. Raw chickpeas can be soaked in water and eaten in an earthen or stone container.

  • Those who have a lot of decay from the body and this decay started from a very young age should eat one desi tomato, (not hybrid) bean curry, radish, one spoonful of honey, jackfruit banana, sour curd, juniper, dill is also beneficial. Milk by eating dates or milk by eating walnuts, milk by eating almonds are also beneficial. Do also beneficial. Do not eat flour if you are 40. It is more beneficial to eat without kneading the flour. Eat milk and ghee one day every 7 days. Milk, ghee, and jaggery are very beneficial. Eating bread in milk is very beneficial.
  • Hemorrhoid patients should not eat hard rice. If coconut oil is used in the anus every day after bowel movement, it will get better. Use good coconut oil, not loose oil.
  • Hypertensive patients will benefit from daily morning walks. Bathing by taking a dip in Nandi or pond is beneficial.
  • Low-pressure patients need more rest. Not fasting at all. Digestion is not possible without effort. And if you eat a lot without effort, you will get heartburn. There will be neck pain, back pain, headache, flatulence, etc. Do not sleep during the day. Walk for half an hour after eating at night, but go to sleep. If the color of the toilet becomes dark, do not eat eggs. Don’t eat too much fried food. Those who have severe heartburn should eat salad. Eat sour- Acid cleanses the stomach just as acid cleanses dirt. For example- Chalter sour, Chhota Amra, Karamchar Sour, Kamranga, Olive Sour, Tokdai etc…

Those who have more asthma:

  • Better not to talk too much.
  • Do not eat crabs.
  • Mix hot and cold water and take a bath 12 soon. First start from the feet.

Check out the symptoms of a heart attack:

  • Pain in the left side of the chest.
  • A feeling of squeezing in the sides of the throat.
  • Jaw pain.
  • Pain in the middle of the abdomen just below the chest.
  • Pain between the back and both shoulder bones.
  • Arm and hand pain. This pain can be in both hands or one hand.
  • However, these symptoms do not necessarily indicate a heart attack. If sweating is accompanied by all these symptoms, it greatly increases the chances of a heart attack. If any of these symptoms appear at home, first put the patient to bed. Open doors and windows in summer. However, if it is winter, keep the fan on slowly without opening the door or windows. Do not try to feed any liquids. This type of patient should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible without keeping them for a long time.

Know what to do if Born?

Acne is a very common problem. Acne spoils the beauty of the skin. But when this problem occurs everyone gets fed up. During this problem, we run to the doctor and buy expensive medicine. But one of the causes of acne is due to impure skin. So we need to keep our skin clean.

This problem is due to the combination of sebaceous glands and dead cells. For all these problems there are some exercises which we get used to every day to get rid of such problems. We need to make some changes in our daily diet such as – we need to consume nutritious food. Helancha greens, spinach, uchhe, parble, shrip, green cabbage, cabbage, milk, banana, and apple should be taken in excess but do not eat meat, eggs, or sour things.


First, lie down in a sitting position. Now lift both legs straight up. With both hands resting on the elbows by the waist, lift the body as high as possible, with the waist tucked. At that time the legs will be straight and the snout should be kept close to the chest. 25/30 seconds from that position slowly bend the knees and return to the previous position rest for 10 seconds in shavasana and do the asana again.


Abnormal fatness is relieved in this asana. The nervous system is fresh. Prolong’s youth thyroid disorders are caused by Nishit Saree. Cure spleen and asthma. Increases sexual power. The weakness of the uterus is removed. This asana is called sarbangasana the whole body is well being.


First, do padmasana. Then lie awake. At that time the knee should touch the ground. Now pull the two big toes with both hands push the head on the ground and raise the chest as high as possible. And at that time waist should be on the ground. Perform the asana for 25/30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds in Shavasana at least 5 times.


Practitioners of this asana do not get spondylitis, increases the rib cage, increases the chest, and makes the small chest bigger and fresher. Eliminates lung weakness. Asthma is cured and so is the para thyroid gland.


For asana, lie flat on the ground with a leaf blanket or soft tosh bed and relax the body. Now bend both legs from the knees, and bring them to the back. Now keep the two knees at least 10 inches apart and hold the ankle firmly with both hands. Now keep the lower abdomen only on the ground lift the chest and abdomen as far as possible from the ground and bend the back like a bow. In this way, from 25/30 seconds, return to the normal possible rest for 5 minutes in shavasan and repeat the asana 4 times.


This asana helps to reduce body fat and belly fat. Makes the spine flexible. Raises the chest, and nourishes the rib cage. People who walk with a little stoop or have stooped at an early age will get good results in this asana. If you do this asana, you can walk with a straight spine for many years.

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