You do know why should not use glasses?

  • Everyone’s glasses’ power is specific to their eye needs. In most cases, one person’s glasses do not match. That’s why you should never use someone else’s glasses.
  • The eyes are one of five senses. Various events of the world visible through the eyes are reflected on the screen of the mind. Light rays emitted from visible objects are refracted through the cornea and reach the retina. The light-sensing nerve of the retina transmits that signal to specific parts of the brain. Our lens has a certain refractive index that helps the light rays to be properly incident or focused on the retina.

However, due to various reasons, if the light rays cannot create a clear focus on the retina, the object appears blurry. The light is then accurately focused on the retina with glasses of the appropriate power. As a result, everything can be seen clearly again. For some reason, if the curvature of the lens or the curvature of the lens changes, if the eye length is short or long, the retina does not have a clear reflection and everything looks blurry.

  • Lens power can be plus (Convex) or minus (concave). Spherical, cylindrical, or compound lenses of plus or minus power are used in spectacles as per requirement. This means that everyone’s glasses are specific to their eye needs and in most cases, one person’s glasses are not the same as another’s. That’s why you should never use someone else’s glasses.
  • Those who have high eye power can wear glasses regularly, but those who have less power often do not wear glasses regularly due to various strange reasons. They think that wearing glasses will make them look older. It should be remembered that the symptoms of neck and head pain, frequent headache, watery eyes, eye fatigue, inattention to studies, etc. can be accompanied by regular use of glasses.
  • Around the age of 40, almost everyone has difficulty seeing near objects (threading, reading a book). This is called presbyopia. This problem is eliminated by wearing plus power glasses as needed. But, many people prefer to buy a pair of reading glasses from the store and continue working. As a result, the problem is not solved and the above various types of eye complications continue to increase. The power of presbyopia or near-sighted glasses normally increases a little bit every two years.
  • Glasses should never fall under the nose, should fall at the base of the nose. Use both hands when putting on and opening the glasses. This will keep the eyeglass fittings in place. Sometimes it is better to object to the glasses. Clean both glasses thoroughly with a glass cleaning solution soap.
  • For those who have eyes, glasses are an indispensable part of their life. It is wise to take proper care of it.

How To Improve Your Vision:

Eyes are one of the most important sense organs we have and taking care of them is just as important as taking care of other parts of the body. Ayurveda has several natural ways to improve eyesight and maintain good eyesight. In today’s modern era, we have to sit in front of the computer, younger boys and girls look at their mobile phones, study in low light, look at the light for a long time, and other reasons we have various eye problems.

Difficulty seeing distant objects. Many people get attached to glasses, and many people do not like wearing glasses, but due to problems, they have to wear glasses. Today we will learn some natural ways how to increase eyesight very easily-

Natural Method-

  • Take 250 grams each of almonds, fennel, and misri. Soak them almost overnight, then peel and grind them. roast the fennel and grind it with a few drops of ghee. Mix all three and store them in a glass bottle. Drinking two spoons mixed with milk improves eyesight within 3-6 months.
  • If 1 spoon of helencha juice mixed with 1 cup of milk can be consumed in the morning and evening, the eyesight will improve. Kulekhara leaves boiled in water and eaten after breakfast cure diseases. must eat for 15 days.
  • We need to consume Vitamin-‘A’ rich foods, such as various fish liver oils, milk, butter, fish, egg yolks, carrots, tomatoes, black coffee, spinach, mangoes, soybeans, oranges, green peas, guavas, etc. Kalmi vegetable broth and helencha vegetable rich should be eaten daily.
  • Some exercises should be done to increase eyesight, such as closing the eyes and opening them suddenly, moving the eyes around etc.
  • Amalaki is known as a powerful Ayurvedic remedy for improving eyesight. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and other powerful nutrients that help improve eyesight. Vitamin-‘C’ in amlaki improves retinal cell function and promotes healthy capillaries. For this, mix a few spoons of amlaki juice in half a cup of water. Drink it twice a day, morning and evening. It’s juice can also be consumed with honey. Vitamins ‘C’ in amlaki improves the function of retinal cells.

Safety Glasses & Safety Goggles:

Eye protection is required when you are exposed to eye hazards such as flying particles, blunt impact, dust, and chemical splashes.

Safety glasses are great for impact protection, however, they have small gaps around the lenses that leave your eyes vulnerable to splash hazards or airborne dust.

What does “Z87” mean?

Safety glasses and goggles that have passed impact testing required by ANSI standard Z87.1 are stamped “Z87”. Make sure your eye protection has this making!

Ultraviolet Light Protection:

Did you know that both of these safety glasses provide the same level of protection from UV rays? Safety glass lenses are made of polycarbonate, which naturally blocks 99.9% of UV light. So, even clear safety glasses will provide excellent protection.

6 Common signs that your child may need glasses:

  1. Generally clumsy not seeing obvious obstruction.
  2. Squinting their eyes to see far away or when reading.
  3. Sitting too closely to the television to see better.
  4. Holding books or electronics close to their face.
  5. Complaining of having headaches or eye pain.
  6. Difficulty focusing on or keeping up with schoolwork.

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